Sorry :(

I was scrolling through my youtube and a video labeled "Dear Future Generations: Sorry" pop into my suggested video. This six minute video was created to bring awareness to climate change. The YouTuber, Prince Ea, has shown how we are slowly killing our people and leaving no future for more generations to come. He talks about how people are so caught up in problems that won't matter if we don't fix climate change because we won't exist to solve these problems. So in all he gives us the awareness of what we are doing to our planet and ends up giving solutions to help fix the problems we have made
When looking at his views I saw he had gotten 17 million views. This shows that he has brought awareness to people and allowed people to see our world from a different perspective. If there wasn't
media this message would've been way harder to spread in fact a lot of people would be unaware of how endangered our planet is. Due to his message being placed on media allows different people to view his content. In extension to that youtube putting this in people's suggestion box shows that youtube is trying to bring awareness as well. In this video we see media used in a positive way to bring awareness to people all over the world and in all benefitting our planet.
Not only is youtube been used as a platform to spread this message but social media such as Instagram. I myself have used Instagram to try and bring awareness to people and show them that what we are doing to our planet is bad. As you can see media has brought a big awareness to climate change, for, if you ask anyone many know the affects of climate change.
In the video Prince Ea sends a direct message to Fox News and Sarah Palin by basically calling them out for things he believes is wrong. Fox News said they don't believe climate change is a threat, so in response he tells us about the homeless people in Bangladesh due to the rising sea levels. Sarah Palin said she loved the smell of fossil fuels so in response he said that kids in Beijing have to wear pollution masks to go to school. He then ends his saying to Fox News and Sarah Palin by saying that the truth can be denied not avoided. This changed my perspective seeing how not everything one says can be the right thing. Fox News telling us to not worry about climate change can bring upon a negative affect on media allowing people to not know what is really going on and our real problems and same with Sarah Palin.
It's great when something goes viral, with many million views. I personally also saw this video in my YouTube feed a couple years ago, and I watched through it, got all sad, and... simply forgot. I think something the Internet has done is make it easy to underestimate the popularity of stuff that has been watched 17 million times. We just don't have a concept of numbers that high.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is important for people to bring awareness to such huge global problems the world has that has been caused by us. The fact that this video got so much attention is very amazing as it must have caught the attention of many, but I always wonder how big of a difference the video will be able to make and how big of an influence it really has on people. Will the people who watched it really do something for the benefit of the earth or will they just do things as they usually do. But I think its really important that you brought up this influential issue as now the people who are reading your blog is aware of this.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to think that a 6 minute video can effect such a large number of people. But, that's what YouTube does best I guess. Bringing awareness to climate change is extremely important and I believe that it should be talked about more within the media. Personally, I don't believe that everyone seriously realizes how important climate change truly is. Like the video says, we are wasting time fighting over issues that are not going to be solvable due to climate change.