Is All American the New Favorite Show?

This show has not only made me so happy and addicted but it also has brought a new perspective into my eyes. I don't know how many times I was sad while watching this show and how many times it had brought tears to my eyes. But the amount of emotion drawn out of this shown is crazy. This show has changed my perspective allowing me to see how good I have it in life compared to other people. I complain everyday about the littlest things when there are people who live with a broken family are in danger everyday of their life and are worrying about if they can provide or continue to provide a home for their family. This show also allowed their watchers to get the message from this show that we should take every opportunity the world gives to us and use it to our advantage to succeed in life.
Now you're probably wondering how did I even find this show. If you guessed media ding ding ding you are right. When this show came out on Netflix my friends apparently started to watch it and when they finished it texted me and told me to watch this amazing new show. So I watched one show and became so intrigued with it I ended up finishing it in two days. After that I posted it all over my instagram story allowing more people to watch it. This show has spread a lot in the past month because of everyone promoting this new show. Even Netflix and the cast themselves were promoting it posting all over social media to watch this new amazing show. They even made an instagram for the TV show which has many followers just waiting to see new post on this show. I myself is found guilty for following this account. As you can see media has a big impact on our lives and to be honest if it weren't for media I would've never watched this show.
Since I've heard you talk about this show before, it's interesting to hear how it has had such a large cultural impact and been promoted through social media. I hadn't thought about how people get into watching shows, but you are right, social media can often be where I hear of new shows. While personally I'm more likely to watch something that a friend or family member recommends to me I can see how others are influenced by social media instead. I'm curious if the actors were promoting it of their own free will though, as corporations often demand that actors promote their shows or movies if the actor has a platform. Even if it was their choice, it makes sense that they'd want to inflate their own egos by promoting something they're in, so what you really experienced was more likely driven by greed than a genuine wish to share one's work with others. In any case, it hardly matters since you enjoyed the show anyway.