Madison and Vine in Black-ish?!?!

One of my all time favorite shows Black-ish that has been running since 2014 and has around 5 seasons has been used as an ad campaign multiple times. Black-ish is about a black family who is in the upper-middle class and lives a really great life. Though in times are need to be put in check by their father because they don't realize how good they have it in life compared to other people typically of their own race. Throughout every episode they use all sorts of props one of them being technology, but the use of technology isn't only used as a prop but as a ad as well.
Black-ish has used Madison and Vine as a way to persuade their watchers into buying a window. Usually the show uses it to "look" up certain things, but it is mostly to show the watchers that Windows is a good computer and that you should buy it. They also use the computer to a full use to show the viewers what the computer can do. For example shown in the image above the Windows computer has a stand in the back of the computer and is unique compared to other companies selling computers. Another way it persuades the watchers of they show is that they see their favorite characters in the show, maybe even their idols, and theses viewers think well if my favorite character is using this device it must be good maybe I should buy it. Or they think oh this is a really nice looking computer maybe I should buy it.
In my experience of of watching Black-ish I have never really seemed to notice that this show was doing this until a few years back when my dad pointed it out. He came into the TV room to check on me and looked at the screen and said wow they use a lot of ad in this show. Of course I was confused at first then he pointed out in the background their was always a Windows computer or they were always using it. After he said this I continued to always see this and think wow this show really wants to get in your mind that Windows is a good device.
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