My Relationship With Media
Media. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of the word is social media. Instagram, snapchat, twitter, and all sorts of apps like these. I decided to look at my screen time on my phone and realized on average I send around two hours on social media. Two full hours! And then I realized that social media is only a type of media, so how much time do I really spend with media a day?
In the generation we live in today you can't really escape media. It surrounds us and is around every corner we look. Personally I have been really exposed to media technically since a really young age but I really started to notice around the age 8 or 9 when I was exposed to social media. I was exposed to influencers who are users on social media who has a large audience and can persuade an audience of their authenticity and their reach. These influencers had a big affect on my relationship with media making me create an even stronger bond with it as I wanted to see what these influencers had to post everyday, for I looked up to them and wanted to be like them. As I have gotten older over the years more and more users have been introduced to me making me want to go on social media even more. Not only have I used social media as a way to look up to these influencers, but also as a way to connect with my friends. I have used social media to look at what my friends are doing as a way to talk to them as a daily basis. It has gotten to the point where I would use snapchat more to connect with them rather than messaging them through text. Around a year ago I decided to turn off all my social media notifications for four months and found I would use social media for only around an hour. I do not know why I ever turned the notifications back on, but I have learned that a lot of my social media is just trying to communicate with my friends.
Off the topic of social media. I realized that social media is in books, magazines, music, television, and generally any device or object that delivers content. Thinking back to when I was younger the biggest influence on me was my music and my television. I would spend hours watching Disney channel consuming media. Not even realizing that they are trying to shape my opinion and trying to guide how I think of society. Not only were my favorite shows doing this, but the music I listened to. Overall, when thinking of my relationship with media, I have realized that media will always stick to me and be apart of my life.

Off the topic of social media. I realized that social media is in books, magazines, music, television, and generally any device or object that delivers content. Thinking back to when I was younger the biggest influence on me was my music and my television. I would spend hours watching Disney channel consuming media. Not even realizing that they are trying to shape my opinion and trying to guide how I think of society. Not only were my favorite shows doing this, but the music I listened to. Overall, when thinking of my relationship with media, I have realized that media will always stick to me and be apart of my life.
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