YNW Melly Possibly Facing Death Penalty Seen From Two Viewpoints

April 22 of 2019 young rapper, Jamell Demons has been said to possibly face the crucial punishment, the death penalty. Famous 19-year-old rapper who goes by the name YNW Melly has been charged with murder for killing two people. Presumably they were his friends which after he killed them he staged the crime as if it were a drive-by. Florida prosecutors are now thinking of giving the death penalty to Demons. This has caused a lot of commotion with many fans being upset and others believing he deserves this punishment.
In the CNN article the author, Amir Vera chooses to use many images and quotes to help give details on his article. A big part of his article is just pictures from Jamell Demons instagram or quoting words from Demons or other people, like prosecutors. Vera's word choice is very neutral in terms of trying to depict if he has an opinion on Demons possibly getting the death penalty. Vera seemed to give out the basic facts on Demons case without going into deep detail into any of the information. In the beginning of Vera's article he says "committed homicide" in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner" for financial gain, according to a Thursday court filing." Much of Vera's writing is like this where he gives off only vague information and when he is needed to use a negatively or positively biased word, he uses it from other peoples sayings by quoting it and saying who it was by. Overall, Vera shows little to no opinion on Demon's possible punishment most of his information was based off of sources and facts.
On the other hand TMZ seems to have a say on Demons possible death penalty. TMZ's writing was all its own writing with no quotes or anything only a legal document placed at the end of the article. The article states, "beyond a reasonable doubt that Melly killed his friends or financial gain, the murder was especially heinous, atrocious or cruel, and he committed homicide in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner." Using the words heinous, atrocious, cruel, and cold gives off a negative connotation. This shows that TMZ was not very happy about Demons killing these people. Reading this article can also persuade readers to think that Demons was really bad because of how negative TMZ writes about him. TMZ even mentions multiple times that Demons killed his best friends, even mentioning it in the title. The word best friend is a strong word used to describe someone you are close with. Saying Demons killed his best friends over Demons killed his friends gives off a whole different viewpoint on him and how we feel about what he did. Overall TMZ shows quite a bit of opinion in their article.
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I think it is interesting how social media has such a wide influence on the world around us. YNW Melly has gained more press on his possible death penalty sentence because of his fame whereas someone who doesn't have the fame wouldn't get the press that YNW Melly got. It shows how quickly someones role on social media can change. One minute you are famous for rapping and the next you are known for the murder of your friends.